
It was so horrible.....
I'm so glad that I'm still alive!!!!!!!!!!

Last week I have to go to work with another guy called Dave who works in the factory together
Usually he drives, I just sit next to him and talked with him
But this morning,
I have to drive to work by my own because Dave has to leave today
So I have to go to work by my own

Though I have the driver license, but that doesn't mean I can drive well here
The driving route is opposite with Taiwan!!!!!
Cars have to go along to the LEFT SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I started up the car and hit the road to work,
I kept driving to the right side.....
I was so lucky that no cars on the road.......
And I couldn't stop thinking of car accident because my front glass were frozen!!!!!!!
I couldn't see anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was all white with frost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I drove really slow to work....only 50-60km/hr I think

I really could't help to go along with the right and I had to turn it back right scary scene~

This car is pretty old and crappy
Driver's window can't close, the stroll is broken
(It means I have to feel the freezing breeze every morning.....)
And the engine lid is locked up, I couldn't open it
(I want to put some water inside with the rainbrush to clean up the front glass)
Tthe left side mirror is gone and the air-condition is broken, too............
And I can't get used to the gearstick, it's on my left hand side......


But I think I have to be grateful because it can still run so well!

After all,
the good thing is, I can ask boss to let me use the car on holidays, so I can drive out and hang around!

I asked the german guy Daniel who lives in the same room with me about the driving experiences here
He said he couldn't get used to it when he first drove to work
"There are over 200 countries who drive to the right side, why these countries like Enland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, along the left??? They're wrong!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh I totally agree with him!!!!!!
Why along the left!!?????
So dangerous!!!!!!

The first day I arrive Perth
When I want to across a street, I kept looking to the right side of the road.........
Luckliy I haven't been hit by a car.......

I hope I can get used to it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Then maybe I'll feel strange after I go back........oh my gosh~)

    創作者 springsteen 的頭像


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