Everytime I come here
I throw a pebble into a deep ocean
To see whether there's a chance to hear the echo
Due to the inertia, I know it will sink down to the buttom
I'm wondering when will it reach the ocean's ground
But all silence.
Only the ripple on the surface reminds me I have thrown these pebbles
Then the wave and current cover up everything as if I never do this before

So deep and mystierous

I tried to figure out how deep is the ocean
But I failed
Not with my cold feet but the visibility
Others blame on my cowardice to discover deeper
Actually, I really tried

That's the best definition for "being in vain"

I pick up the crumblings of memories and carefully keep them

It's one-way communication, no, it can not be called "communication",
just my "monologue".
I'm murmuring to myself

A large amount of sadness overwhelms me
I drown inside, in the river of tears
It will be dried out and leave nothing
I will disappear with the withered heart

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